Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Jackpine 2016

      There are a few events that happen every year and they are always some of my favorite times. One such annual happening is Jackpine retreat. For 40 plus years, my church has headed North to Williams, MN for a weekend of camping and fellowship. My Love has attended every year of his life, with the exception of 2 years. Once when he was 4 and his sister the Lovely Keren Ruth was born, and then the second year of our marriage when I happened to be a bridesmaid in a friends wedding the same weekend. This just goes to show what a treasured time of year it is.
     I have gone every year since we got married, except the year I was in my friends wedding. When I first moved up North for school and was getting to know the Williams family, they invited my brother Jordan and I to go with them. We declined, something that looking back, I now regret. Anyway, adventures are always had.
    This year our campsite included us, the Popes, the Andersons, the Murrays, the Johnsons, the newly minted Millers(Polly and Isaac) and Irindee. Our combined forces produced tasty food and some good campfire laughs.
     It was cool for most of the weekend which is perfect Jackpine weather. It was rather misty on Saturday morning, but it eventually cleared off. It was lovely.

The Popes. Mr. Ephraim and his sweet snuggles. 

The Andersons

The Murrays.

The Millers

 The Johnsons minus Derek who had to work. (Martha is one of Luke's sisters.)

Irindee and Mr. Ephraim 

Next year, Baby Williams will be a sweet addition to the fun. 

Nieces: Margaret and Mara

Sometimes you just need to pull down a dead tree. 

Luke discovered that fruit snacks were the way into Ax's heart. 

Playing with a chainsaw is apparently a LOT of fun. 

Travis and Luke

Martha and Irindee
The Lovely Keren Ruth

 Spool walking


Ax found an Ax

 Our cozy campsite

Benjamin and Mr. Ephraim

The new Mrs. Miller and myself

 The Edwards Family(Anna is one of Luke's sisters)

Heidi and Mr. Ephraim

Blue eyed wonder

Benjamin and Matt

Matt and Madi


"Nature is the art of God." ~Dante Alighieri

"The world is round so that friendship may encircle it." ~Pierre Teilhard de Chardin 

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