Monday, November 14, 2016

Hunting Season With a Twist

      The past few weeks have been deer, hunting, season here in the Minnesota Northlands. I have friends who have been out sitting in trees, anxiously awaiting the appearance of the perfect specimen of future venison and antlers. Blaze orange and camouflage are totally in and the radio has discussed how very warm it is for the hunt.
      Here at the Williams' home, we've been doing a little hunting of our own...Of a slightly different variety. Mice! Once again the creepy little things have decided to move on in and torment me. I know that I am not alone in this hunt. Many of my friends know that the struggle is real as they are dealing with it in their own homes. In fact, I mentioned tonight that perhaps we should form a club and call ourselves The Sisterhood of the Great Mouse Hunters. I have a trapline throughout the house and have had considerable success, and yet they keep coming. Don't mess with me rodents, don't mess with me. Happy Hunting.
(Disclaimer, I did not use the muzzle loader on any mice. As much as I despise the critters, I like my cabinets more...)

"To live will be an awfully big adventure." ~Peter Pan

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