Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The I.T. Guy

       My Dad is pretty great. You see, my computer at work was having issues. Something about an out of date program that no longer had available updates and is thus at risk of computer viruses etc. etc. Anyway...Some people might experience this problem and have to spend time on the phone with some unknown IT person and have a whole lot of run around and hoopla. Not me, nope. You know why? Because my Dad just happens to be one of those smart, tech-y, people who fixes others computer problems for a living. So, I text him and he says "Call me." And so I do. After talking with me and running over options and the specifics he simply tells me, "Bring it home over Easter, I'll fix it for you." So there you have it, my Dad is AWESOME.
       But let's look at this one step further. We have a Heavenly Father who is there for us. He loves you so very much. And you know what He did. He died so that He could fix the biggest problem His children have--sin. Our imperfections, our faults, our mistakes, they have the power to be the end of us. But our Heavenly Father took care of that by allowing His son to die in our place. Just bring it to Him and He's there ready to take the problem off our hands.

" Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face." -Ronald Reagan

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