Saturday, October 7, 2017

Life of Late

       It's a simply beautiful October Saturday. The tree outside our front door has lost most of its leaves, but there is still enough color to make the world stunning in Fall's glory. The ground is crunchy with leaves and the garden's harvest is being brought in...Tomatoes, carrots, and cabbage oh my.

Stopping by to visit Daddy at work. Future lumberjack in training. 

We spent last Saturday out at the Farm so that Luke could help his dad with the new barn. 

This guy makes my heart happy. 

Cross section of a carrot. 

Enjoying the sunshine with Uncle Jordan

This guy LOVES it outside. 

He's not crawling, but he can scootch himself. Apparently this corner is fun. 

Moments when your heart just might explode, a good kind of explosion. 

You know Ephraim has been around when you find surprises in your boots. 

 Boys in ball caps

Happy Birthday Irindee

I was making supper the other night and I was heating up some oil in a pan. I must have gotten it too hot, because when I went to add the can of beans I was planning on cooking, flames shot up and spread out under my cabinets. I went into "panic, you just burnt down your kitchen mode!" and went screaming through the house for Luke, with Buirlen strapped to my back. Moments later when we both got back to the kitchen we found that the flames had subsided to just a tiny one in the pan and that it had all looked worse that it really was(thankfully!) Anyway...

Autumn really is spectacular!

Last weekend, we headed to Duluth so that Jordan could pick up the motorcycle he was buying. Road trip!

Buirlen discovered the joy of swinging. He giggled and giggled. 

Hang on it's going to be a wild ride. 

Mom says, "Let's gently blow on this dandelion..."

Buirlen's all like, "Actually, I think I will eat it..."


Checking out Uncle Jordan's new bike. It met with his approval. 

This week, my friend Katy and I decided to adventure to a town about an hour away to do some grocery shopping at Aldis. It was a lovely sort of adventure and we laughed at the fact that we must be getting old since going grocery shopping out of town was something we were quite excited about doing. 

Of course a post grocery shopping ice cream cone was in order. Ax thoroughly enjoyed his. 

And so, life and all it's many adventures, both big and small, continues on. Happy Saturday!

"Keep your face always towards the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you." ~Walt Whitman

1 comment:

  1. How fun. This summer while I was making lunch for the guys working at church I about burnt that kitchen down. I was wanting to really brown the brussel sprouts so I had really heated up the oil and I had flames shooting out of that pan too. I really impressed one of our older friends with my cooking technique :)
