Sunday, February 10, 2019

Power Cord Cozies and Elephant Paws

     A couple weeks ago, we survived the frigid temperatures of the polar vortex and this past week we have been getting lots of snow. It's piling up quite impressively around here. In fact, there is snow coming down as I type this.
     I've written in the past about how I tend to have a grandma style when it comes to my tastes.  Well, I'm at it again. I don't like the look of exposed cords and so today, I made a power cord a tea cozy, but for a power cord strip.

 Ta da. 

This isn't the first appliance cozy I've made however. Awhile back, we got a new alarm clock that was far to bright. We had a piece of paper over it, but then I made a cozy for it. 

And while not a cozy per say, a while back, I also found a way to hide the computer router which before had been just sitting on the shelf.

So there you have it, my grandma style in action. 

The other night, I was sitting beside Buirlen's crib as he was supposed to be falling asleep. I offer to hold his hand while he's falling asleep, but that particular night he let me hold the hand of his stuffed elephant, Egbert.  It made me think of when I was a kid and had a doll that I made my mom kiss good night. 

There is a new week a coming and I was going through the local grocery stores weekly ad and realized that there are some good sales to be had. So, yes, to top of my grandma-ishness, I'm also excited to go grocery shopping this week. Happy Sunday!

"Happiness is a choice, a repetitive one." ~Akilnathan Logeswaran 

"Life is a gift. Never forget to enjoy and bask in every moment you are in." ~Unknown

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