Oh the wonder and delight of a blooming flower.
Wild Roses.
While I was mowing the lawn today I discovered this little patch of daisies.
Marigolds in the veggie garden.
The Veggies are starting to come up. We already have a baby tomato and we are going to have a ridiculous amount of radishes.
And then there is this. It's a Flowering Almond Bush that was a gift to Luke and me earlier this spring. We kept it in the house for awhile and it was full of blooms. Then I planted it outside and it froze. I wondered if I had killed it but then it started to green up again. And just the other day, I discovered that it is actually blooming again.
"Where flowers bloom so does hope." ~Lady Bird Johnson
"There are always flowers for those who want to see them." ~Henri Matisse
What a fun post! I am so glad all your garden stuff is going well!