Thursday, March 5, 2015

Back in the Day

   When I was little, we lived in Kenya. My dad was a pilot flying for AIM(Africa Inland Mission) We lived on a mountain which was technically an inactive volcano. We couldn't play in the tall grass because of snakes. We had a land rover. We called it LC. I remember when we would go down country one of the roads was a cliff on one side and drop of on the other. For some reason, I figured it would be safer sitting on the side of the truck furthest from the drop off.
     As a pilot, my dad's job was to fly medical staff around. His plane was a Cessna. Sometimes when we were at the hanger he would let us sit up on the wing and once when I was flying with him he let me sit in the co-pilot seat and pretend to fly. In the afternoons, he would fly over our house and we would run out to see him tip his wings at us. He was waving hi.
(My Dad Rohn, holding my brother Jordan. My Mom AmyJo, holding my brother Jesse. My sister Lydia is the girl on the left and I'm on the right)

“Nothing is ever really lost to us as long as we remember it.”~L.M Montgomery

“What i like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce.”~Karl Lagerfeld

1 comment:

  1. Fun memories! I really would love to hear more about your life in other countries sometime!
